Network of Bay Area Worker Co-ops Job Fair

Loved connecting with this group of beautiful free souls! Stephanie and I presented at the Network of Bay Area Worker Co-ops job fair Tues night ~ Temple of Earth was passionately received! That is because <of my amazing beautification skills ha and> soooo many people in the Bay deeply and personally know the need for rooted Black traditional medicine spaces <and have encountered the extractive and heartless sourcing of herbs that is rampant in this industry, shallow or tangled roots in so-called healing spaces and all manners of other spiritual theft.>

It is time we get to prosper in our own free beautiful gorgeous decadent healing power spaces. We deserve this and the earth will have it no other way, as we re-member and are re-membered — it is always mutual! There is a wave of more beautiful Black freedom and healing spaces arising in the Bay right now!!! 🌊🙏🏾

Come on family!!!!! I am taught that Justice is a fact of nature. MA’AT.

Justice, strength and power to your protectors and wise guides!

LOVE U! More soon⚡️


PS. Please donate if you are moved by the works we are up to!